EDENE Doctoral Programme
Un-der the Marie Skłodowska Curie actions - EDENE
Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Job Type
Full time
About us :
EDENE's ambition is to create a working dynamic around innovative subjects and to develop new international collaborations in the disciplines for which the UPPA is recognized: in Sciences and Technologies (mathematics, geosciences, ecology, oceanography, engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, mechanics…) as well as in Social and Human Sciences (social sciences, economics, law, geography…).
For this, the 5-year project will finance30 high-potential international researchers who will each carry out their doctoral studies over 3 years. Three cohorts of 10 doctoral students will thus be able to obtain their PhDs at the UPPA thanks to the EDENE program.
In the current context of climate emergency and energy transition, integrating the EDENE doctoral program within the UPPA means participating in the deepening of knowledge in these fields by being a driving force for innovative research subjects.
This is a unique opportunity to participate in the development of interdisciplinary and applied research on the impacts of climate change. Participating in EDENE therefore means contributing to the implementation of a more sustainable environment.
Job Description :
The primary goal of EDENE, the European doctoral program in Energy and Environment, is to train at the highest level 30 international doctoral students who will carry out their research activities in the fields of energy and the environment.
These researchers will be offered the opportunity to be part of a very strong academic-industrial network and to benefit from quality training with a triple approach (international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary).
Eligibility Criteria :
The EDENE program, laureate of the H2020 Marie Curie COFUND calls for projects, will finance PhD projects proposing innovative solutions for energy and the environment in the broad sense in the disciplines for which the UPPA, the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, is recognized: in Sciences and Technologies and in Social and Human Sciences.
The entire application procedure (Eligibility criteria, timetable, application and selection process, required doc-uments, various committees involved ...) is detailed in the "Guide for Applicants" (pdf - 2Mo)". Please refer to it before applying.
In order to prepare your research project, you must contact the UPPA research laboratories of your choice according to your area of interest.
The UPPA's research units, or research laboratories, are attached to two doctoral schools:
In Letters, Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences: the Doctoral School in Social and Human Sciences, SSH (ED481)
In Science and Technology: the Doctoral School of Exact Sciences and their Applications, SEA (ED211)